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Dr. Gregory, first and foremost, is a man of FAITH. In that light, he has dedicated his life to articulating an entirely new vision for the future of urban education grounded in the Word of God.

The General Gregory Podcast is a doctoral level breakdown on what is truly wrong with urban education and WHY we need something very different. Dr. Gregory believes that the current model of urban education is completely under the control of the elites does not serve the interests of African Americans or people of color. This podcast explains why that is. It is not easy listening.


In the end, Dr. Gregory sees urban education as fertile grounds to develop it into a ‘beacon of light’ to show society a better way forward. He proposes, after several episodes of thinking the environment through, that urban education become a fully integrated unit of a commercial bank. That bank will be called the Tolton Bank; named after father Augustus Tolton, the first black priest in the United States.